October 13, 2021
Landlords filed evictions cases against more than 4,000 tenants in the Capital Region during the pandemic, data released by the New York court system reveals for the first time.
An eviction moratorium has been in place since the start of the pandemic and in New York, tenants will be shielded until Jan. 15. But housing advocates worry that after the moratorium lifts, a cascade of evictions could push thousands of New Yorkers, who have suffered job losses, illness or other crises, out of their homes.
The data published by the New York Unified Court System gives the first glimpse at the potential problems.
Across the state, landlords filed 113,807 eviction cases from March 1, 2020 to October 4, 2021, data from the courts shows. That’s down from 262,403 eviction cases filed in 2019 statewide. The data includes commercial and residential evictions.
Thirty five percent of all eviction cases brought by landlords during the pandemic were filed in New York City, specifically in Bronx, Kings, Queens or New York counties.