February 18, 2021
Suppertime Solutions Forum NY Connects No Wrong Door partners in Clinton County presents: “Suppertime Solutions; an Introduction to Services in Clinton County to Help Solve the Food Insecurity Crisis” on Feb. 25 at 2 p.m.
The forum will be held virtually on Zoom.
“It’s a multi-agency collaboration with the New York Connects program,” Darleen Collins, director of the Clinton County Office for the Aging, said.
“The goal was to highlight safe, nutritious affordable food for all. It’s really a way to let people know what programs and services are available in our county.
“We know food insecurity is a big issue for people, and we want to make sure that people are aware of what is available to help.”
The forum presenters include the Senior Citizens Council of Clinton County, Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York, JCEO, Clinton County Health Department and the Cornell Cooperative Extension.
Read more on the Press-Republican website