Sample Bequest Language

Sample Bequest Language
Unrestricted Bequest:

I give, devise, and bequeath to The Community Foundation for the Capital Region, in the city of Albany, State of New York, {the sum of money, specific property, a stated percentage of the estate, or the remainder of an estate} to be directed fully to the Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York permanent endowment fund to be used as Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York shall deem fit and proper.

Restricted Bequest:

I give, devise, and bequeath to The Community Foundation for the Capital Region, in the city of Albany, State of New York, {the sum of money, specific property, a stated percentage of the estate, or the remainder of an estate} to be directed fully to the Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York permanent endowment fund and to be used by Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York for ______________________________.

Beneficiary Designation for Life Insurance Plan, Retirement Benefit or Employer Death Benefit:

Simply add this language to the information box for Designation of Beneficiary.

Name:  The Community Foundation for the Capital Region/ Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York Permanent Endowment Fund


The Community Foundation for the Capital Region

Six Tower Place
Albany, NY 12203


CFCR TIN/EIN: 14 – 1505623